Accomplished Attorneys, Sophisticated Law

Our team is comprised of highly credentialed, well-trained attorneys - many at the senior arc of their legal career, military spouses who have a temporal lifestyle, or women returning to the workforce - and all who value workplace flexibility.

By changing the traditional way legal work gets done, we attract and retain a diverse team who practice sophisticated law.

Deirdre Aretini

Beatrice Barenboim

Lindy Bau

Rachel Bauer

Vanessa Cabellos

Jennifer Castillo

Alyssa L. Chan

Lih Chen

Dan Cohen

Carmen Crow

Lindsay Daly

Elissa Davis

Ken Davis

Danielle Dayne Duff

Ivy Dodes

Rose Dorvel

Gregory (Greg) Dow

Jessica Etra

Jillian Feliciano

Ambar Fleites

Lucy C. Forsten

Eileen Gillis

Jean B. Grevers 

Susan Grisso de Ortega

Codie Hadley

Shane Hammond

Laura Harrington

Samantha Hemmings

Lauren Huff

Andrew (Andy) M. Hutcher

Mohammad (Moe) Islam

Atif Islam

Wabi Jain

David G. Jordal Jr.

O’Brien Kelley

Susan Kim

Olivia Koontz

Samantha La Penna

Ann Laemmle

Ashley Lansdown

Jack Lee

Joan Lipitz

Svetlana Lovejoy

Gabriel Mancuso

Donna Mansfield

Sean Miles

Joanne Miriello

Melissa Moran

Julia Mortenson

Janine O’Malley

Lia O’Malley

Hilary Paterson

Amy Hall Pickard

Jennifer Pomeranz

Jennifer Preston

Elena Prus

Ilyssa Raiman

Maura L. Rosberger

Alexander Rosegren

Sherry J. Sandler, Esq.

Melissa Savage Shiffman

Suzie Scanlon Rabinowitz

Julie Schuster

Lisa Schwartz

Julia Shaffer

Will Sheehan

Roy A. Shulman

Shari Siegel

Liesel K. Stanhope

Yvette Teofan

John (Honza) Toman

Sandra Trapnell

Marissa Turner

Taylor VanDenBroeke

Kulia Warner

Jill Warning

Elizabeth Wilson

Claudia Wozniak

Interested in Working Together

We welcome you to contact us so we can understand your legal needs and how our team is able to provide you with customized legal solutions.